Shirt from Fab'rik
Skinny Jeans
Shoes from Aldo
Purse from Urbanog
Hey guys. Today, if you don't mind, I'm not going to talk fashion, I'm going to get really sentimental and cheesy and maybe cry a bit. Today was my last day of junior year. I know it's silly to be sad, I still have another whole year in high school. But, though I say this every year, this year has been the best year of my life! Something about the junior year of high school just allows each person to finally have figured out(sort of) who they are and who they want to be. You learn to care less about what people think of you, accept oppositions, and love who you are. So, don't fret wee freshman, it gets better. Just try to make the best of every day because it goes by way too fast. (omg soorrryyy I'm so emotional I just watched The Office series finale.)
Halfway through this school year, I decided to take a picture of my outfit every day. I made it just for me to keep as a record in case I needed ideas or something to showcase to the fashion world one day. Yet, a little part of me decided, "why not make a instagram to show your photos?" I probably wouldn't get many followers, but at least I could put cool filters on my photos. Little did I know that I would receive 600+ followers and an average of 70 likes per day! I can't explain the amazing sense of accomplishment I feel when I completely put my fashion out there, and I actually receive positive support back! When people tell me that they can get inspired from my style or they felt I had "touched" them(you know who you are!) it feels so, for lack of a better word, cool! It makes me feel so blessed that I can do this and makes me want to reach out to people even more. I'm a very shy person so this is seriously the best way I feel like I can communicate with some people! I know I'm still just a southern small town high school girl blogging and instagramming like a million others, but having the privilege to blog about my silly "outfits of the day" means the world to me!
This is not the end. Please. I will most definitely be posting and blogging this summer! Just maybe not every day(I know, "outfit of the DAY by Maggie" is a lie). AND maybe some surprises that are bigger and better than this blog are in store! Now I just want to thank everyone who has helped me get this far! Erin, Mary Alyce, Eric, Alex, thanks for being the BEST impromptu photographers ever! I love y'all to death! Karla, Joy, Crystal, and all yearbookers, thanks for always sharing fashion ideas with me! Paul, thanks for actually reading this blog! All my instagram followers, thanks for the likes! I love you! and thanks to my mom, for encouraging me to start to blog! I know I just left out a tonnnn of people but to every else, THANK YOU! I love you all! Okay. Thanks for reading. I'll be back soon, probably tomorrow, so this post has no point! LOL! Goodnight!