Shirt from Goodwill
Issa Shirt underneath
Shoes from Francesa's
PRAISE THE GOOD LORD SENIOR PROJECT IS BASICALLY OVER WITH!!!!! If you are a senior or have been a senior recently, I'm sure you have been cursed with the joy of doing a very lengthy, super deadline-y (deadline-y, I like it...) major project that you were forced to do for a large portion of your grade. If you're still a jun or soph or younger than that, don't look forward to this project. Anyway, one of the last major deadlines was today at school... hence, the majority of the senior population looking like the cast of The Walking Dead.
"The music of the people who will not be slaves (to the senior project) again!"
So, here is an outfit idea that you can utilize the day after a major deadline in school. This is a simple grey top with a oversized plaid shirt on top. It's really easy, comfortable, and warm to wear to school- without having to wear the classic hoodie of a sports team you were on freshman year. (wait that's just me.)