Alright guys, here is my very embarrassing farewell to high school. This post has barely anything to do with fashion, so go ahead and quit reading if that is what you are looking for, or if you have any sense because, like I said, this is super embarrassing.
Well here we are on my first day high school. And, yes I know, I look exactly the same. But am I the same person I was then that I am now? No. (wow so sorry about this). When I entered high school, I could not manage to form a clear sentence without turning bright red and stumbling over the nearest object (or just plain air) for no apparent reason. I was so awkward I was basically the living, breathing form of Taylor Swift/Kayne moment at the 2009 VMAs.
Yet, here I am now, still about as awkward, but so much more CONFIDENT. But, it did not just happen overnight. I did not just wake up one day and decide to get more out of life. Freshman year, I hated school. And I blamed everyone and everything for it, except, I was the one to blame. I just sat around waiting for something to happen instead of making it happen.

Finally, I pulled a Cady Herron in Mean Girls and "sucked all the poison out of my life." I knew it was time to reevaluate my life so, I quit activities I was involved in (cheerleading, dance, etc), I quit hanging out with a certain friend group. Basically, I just quit doing things that I didn't want to do. Now, by no means am I encouraging you to quit everything you do and become a hermit who watches netflix all day(wait that actually sounds really nice). I'm saying that high school is a time to try and find yourself(sorrrrrrry so cheesy) and the only way to do that is to jump out of your comfort zone much like Zefron is in the picture below and never turn back.

Now, during my journey out of my comfort zone, I first started where any stereotypical high school student would: clubs. I joined things like student council, yearbook, swim team, religious activities, etc. and through these cool(I think I'm the only person in the world to find that list of items "cool") hobbies, I met new friends. Once you are doing things that you like to do, you'll meet people that you'll like(wow what a discovery maggie). Seriously though, choosing to live for myself rather than just following what I thought I was "supposed to do" is the best life decision I could have made in high school!

Now, don't get me wrong. There were so many times that I felt(still sometimes feel) lost, scared, confused, etc. It's hard being a teenage girl these days. (Good thing Lizzie Mcguire has so many memes that are still relevant today am I right?). Yes I had friends, tumblr, food to turn to, but one thing I could count on when I was feeling down was my faith. Now, no matter what religion you are, I strongly encourage you to get involved in it. I don't know what I would've done during the times that I felt like I was all alone without prayer and scripture. I'm not saying that is the only way to cope. I'm saying that, while in your high school years, it's important that you know you are never alone.

Oh, but let's back up for a minute. Let's not forget that during this wonderfully awkward time I was still a wonderfully awkward person. You can imagine my horror of "stepping outside my box" and meeting new people. It mostly resulted in me feeling like the young Taylor Swift in the photo above, while simultaneously making this face 24/7 as Jess from New Girl(or Zooey Deschanel) is in the photo below.
But, LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING, embrace your quirks. If you embrace them, people around you(for the most part) will too. So, be confident. Be yourself. Be weird. Be happy. And, most importantly, be hungry, because food is bae.
That's what I did. I embraced the awkward in all its essence and, guess what, I'm happier than ever! Maybe even as happy as this 2006 Miley Cyrus. Look at those distressed bermuda shorts with those white leather cowgirl boots..... Oh right, fashion! This is a fashion blog! I must have gotten confused with tumblr! Anyway, somehow along the way when I was trying to discover what I actually like and who I actually am, I realized that fashion really is my one true love. Which brings us to this here blog that I started about a year an a half ago! Ootd by Maggie wassup holla!!!!!
My point in all of this really personal and cheesy stuff is that in high school, you need to find what you love and roll with it! Don't worry about what anyone thinks or says or tweets about you! Be yourself and people(who are cool) will love you for it. High school doesn't have to be bad. You can make it great. (I think I was barfing the whole time I was typing it sorry for being so incredibly cheesy).
Now, I would like to thank all the people who have helped me along the way. Thanks to my parents for rocking and always listening to me. Thanks to my teachers for being awesome. Thanks to my friends for being the best people on the planet. Thanks to my dog for being there when none of the previously mentioned people were. And lastly, thanks to my school for being the ugliest backdrop for 99% of my outfit pictures. You all rock. Don't ever change.