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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

happy happy happy

Hey guys! Today I just want to remind everyone that, no matter what's going on in your life, ALWAYS remember to smile! Things will get better. And, even if you're having the worst day of your life, just remember that Lizzie McGuire wore a unicorn sweater on her school picture day. On that note, today I'm wearing an blue ombre fringe top with a mustard yellow scarf. On the bottom, just skinny jeans and brown boots. This outfit is an awesome transition piece from summer to fall because of the scarf, jeans, and boots with the sleeveless top. The colors are also darker for fall. Hope this can give some inspiration for the weird in-between season we're in!

1 comment:

  1. Rijschool den haag Hofstad rijopleiding is écht gevestigd in Den Haag Wij helpen je met het behalen van je autorijbewijs na je rijexamen leer je pas echt autorijden Wij helpen je een heel eind op weg om het verkeer in Den Haag én in Nederland de baas te zijn Wij gaan voor kwalitatief rijden!
