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Thursday, November 7, 2013

What Am I Suppose To Dress Like When I Change My Mind Every 0.07 Seconds?

Old Navy Sweater
Arturo Chiang Boots
So, if you're reading this, you are most likely a teenage girl in high or middle school (if you're not I still love you anyway) and, because you are a teenage girl in the midst of some of the worst/best years of your life, you most likely change you mind about anything and everything 24/7. I get it. I understand when you want to throw yourself out a window one minute and the next minute want to dance to Hannah Montana throwbacks. So, when you're always feeling pretty strange all the time, how can you channel that in your outfit choices? When I know I'm never going to make up my mind on an outfit, I try to pick out the most basic outfit possible. This is one of those outfits. It's a simple oversized sweater over leggings with an infinity scarf and tall boots. It's pretty hard to hate this outfit because it's so simple and comfortable, so it works well with weird decision makers.
If you're an emotionally stable teenager, please disregard everything I just said.

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